Adam Rupp, a beatboxer and founder of the ongoing saga that is Home Free Vocal Band.  

Technically, I started beatboxing as a child, followed by a massive void of nothingness till the creation of Home Free in the year 2000, the Minnesota grown all vocal mega band.  With a study of music at Gustavus Adolphus, I began developing my skills blending techniques learned as a trumpet player with my own development of rhythmic throat and mouth oscillations. 

Fortunately, beatboxing was so uncommon in the upper Midwest of the U.S., that it was amazing to most audiences because they simply hadn’t seen it before.  This allowed me to grow with incremental success while continuing to figure things out.

Experimentation, repetition, listening, and knowledge about the embouchure and voice box helped a lot. 

I have been practicing mouth art since the turn of the millennium.  Early on a lot of time was spent on repetition of specific sounds to really dial in on the basics of a real drum set.  Now it’s more play and experimentation with a wide array of sounds.  I practiced almost whenever I wanted to, especially around other people, especially when I was close to them.  Now that I mention it, that’s the best time so that they knew I was serious about this shit! :)

Let’s get this straight, I don’t consider myself amongst the best beat boxers.  There are so many dudes out there doing crazy awesome crap and we all know the internet is stupid when it comes to people’s opinions.  I just have a lot of experience.  I would never say I mastered anything.  The hardest sounds are always the ones I haven’t done yet.  That being said, growth and change as an artist are very important, and I’m always looking to what I can do that’s new for the fans. 

On this website I’m diving more into looping and studio performance of myself to create music that’s different from Home Free.  Along with my other passions in life, this is the hub to all things me!

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